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Guild Master: The owner of the guild


PALADIN: A notable supporter of the guild. With a one off 1 million gold payment or more to the guild Paladins enjoy extended Offline protection and other benefits.


Officer: Some managerial abilities, able to accept applications


Legendary Adventurer: The current first place in the SRS Game Points ranking and by definition the player who has taken part in the most events.


Grand Adventurer: The current second place in the SRS Game Points ranking


Epic Adventurer: The current 3rd place in the SRS Game Points ranking


Associate Adventurer: In places 4- 10 of the current SRS Game Points ranking


Adventurer:  Has participated in events but falls outside the top ten rankings. Unlocks bank access.

Trader: Has not taken part in events but has sold more than 500,000 gold worth of items in the past 30 days, unlocks bank access.


Regular: A member who has been in the guild for more than 4 days but has never taken part in the events or met the trader requirements

NOTE: Adventurer ranks are reset at the start of each month. All adventurers will be moved down the ranks to Adventurer or the rank they have just earned in the previous month and then participation will promote them back up.  E.G., if You reach Grand Adventurer but do not participate again for a month, you will be demoted to Adventurer. 


Note inactive accounts will be removed after 1 month of inactivity (13 months for Paladins)

The Elder Scrolls Online guild. Skyrim Redshirts welcomes all players on the PC EU server for social fun, trading, competitions, prizes, dungeons, PvE, PvP, trials, builds, furnishings, master crafting and more. Join Today

© 2025 Skyrim Red Shirts. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved. Some footage and images are  © Zenimax Media Inc. Media is used in a not for profit fan based site encouraging new members for TESO.

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