
The weekly raffle is one way the guild raises funds for renting a guild trader, issuing competition prizes and more. To take part you need to buy raffle tickets. This is how it works:
Each raffle ticket is 10,000 gold.
Deposit the gold into the guild bank at any bank in the game (make sure you choose the correct guild!)
If you want to buy one ticket deposit 10K, if you want to buy 5 tickets deposit 50K and any number of tickets as a multiple of 10K, so 100 tickets is 1M gold.
At the end of the week the winner will be the holder of a ticket number drawn randomly by the Google Random Number Generator.
E.G. If we sell 100 tickets the prize fund will be 1 million gold (100 x 10,000) and the prize fund will be half that, 500K.
The RNG will choose a number between 1 and 100 inclusively and whoever has that number will win.
The gold will be mailed to the winner.
As soon as the raffle prize is issued the raffle is reset and begins again for the next week.
The raffle is usually drawn on Friday evening at 9pm UK time but depending on what events we are running it may not be possible to draw it at that time in which case it will be drawn later, perhaps even as late as Saturday morning.
If you wish to donate then please ensure it is NOT a multiple of 10, so if you want to donate 10,000 gold but don't want it to be seen as a raffle ticket purchase then simply donate 9,999 or 10,001 or any other value as long as it's not a multiple of 10K
If you donate 1 million or more this will be seen as a donation and not for raffle tickets and you will be awarded the rank of Paladin (see ranks).