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Week 2 News 2025

Duelling Event
Duelling Event

Hello everyone We are well into 2025 now but for personal reasons I can't wait for this month to be over. This is a dificult time for me having just lost my mum, but ESO kept me sane whilst trapped in Turkey for a week unable to get home to see Dad and the rest of the family, thank God I bought myself a good gaming laptop last year and it was well worth squeezing in the full size keyboard and mouse into our small suitcase. Back in freezing Blighty now and all I look forward to is the spring and to see the flowers breaking through the hard ground. That's why I love riding around Tamriel looking at the beautiful and mostly sunny landscapes. TRADER Surprisingly we once again won our trader in Rawl'ka, one of the top trading spots in the game despite bidding 1 million less this week. I will be reducing the amount I bid as not enough people are taking advantage of the trader, we only have about 20 pages of items to sell, actual trading guilds have well over 100 pages, this means we don't make anything like enough money to pay for the bid, not even close, last week we sold 20M in items raising 720K for the guild, the bid was over 8M. This has to change, I can't afford to keep bidding these high figures forever, so expect to see smaller traders in the future unless a lot more people start using ours to the full. TRIALS

Normal Cloudrest last Sunday completed
Normal Cloudrest last Sunday completed

After a dismal start to our Veteran Cloudrest where we couldn't even progress past the first boss we eventually ran it on normal difficulty and it was a breeze. This demonstrates the magnitude step change in difficulty from normal to veteran. I have taken steps to build a team for Veteran trials only, the signup is on the Discord and only those with a proven record or for DDs who can post a parse in excess of 50K which is the absolute minimum required for Vet trials will be added the VET ROLE on Discord. So far we have 18 people, but to allow for timings and some people not being available we need around 30 people before we can start to run them again. If you are interested in gaining the VET role then post the following: DDs a recent parse showing at least 50K on the trial dummy Tanks post image of any Vet Clears you've done from achievements Healers, same as tank or post parse of HPS from a Vet trial We will be continuing our two normal trials per week for everyone else with a blast through Sunspire this evening. Even on normal difficulty you should make sure you are parsing above 20K at least, in the trial we ran last week I was parsing 25% of the damage, with 8 DDs I should be around 10% of the group, so many DDs simply are not doing enough damage, so get stuck in to the trial dummy and use the Combat Metrics Addon to see how your damage is being dealt, what is and what isn't working for you. Yes this requires some effort, but the rewards are great, it's awesome to blast through a dungeon watching everything melt in front of you. DDs if you have no idea what damage you are parsing please don't bother signing up for a trial, you're just wasting your time and ours. I don't want to sound harsh but some effort is required on your part. I am sure many of you will be surprised when you start parsing, either in a good way or a bad way, but with help from guildies and lots of practice you can only get better

Cyrodiil We had an epic 4 hour Cyrodiil event last Saturday led by David (Maximus Mordred also known as Magebinder). We captured many keeps and resources, earned a ton of AP and transmutes and gave the Dominion a bloody nose. It was a full team and in total David was coordinating 40 people, 12 from SRS and the rest from Firehearts and some other guilds like Lost Legion. Absolutely brilliant fun, the only downside was the 35 minute queue to get in, so I would advise you to start queuing as soon as you login on Saturday evening in future as PvP has gone nuts in Gray Host despite all the doom and gloom BS you may read on the forum by the perpetual whinners. Duelling Our Thursday night event was won by David, unsurprisingly, with me in second place, surprisingly, it was awesome fun and I advise all of you to come along, even if it's just to spectate, Discord is really fun on duelling nights, we have a good old laugh, come join us from 9 pm every Thursday

Duelling night
Duelling night

Wysteria Grove Guild Village I'm delighted to say that our guild village has 12 recommendations. It would help us as a guild if you can all recommend the village, when you go there just press F5 then click the button or press T to recommend, this helps drive people to our village, they see how awesome it is and look up our guild in the guild finder or online. Wolf Pack Event

We had a lot of fun on our Wolf Pack Event terrorising Wrothgar last night with six puppies running wild. If you would like to join you must have a werewolf, if you need a bite there are plenty in the guild who can oblige, please don't pay for it with crowns. Just ask in guild chat. Let's get enough dogs for a trial!!

That's it for this week, lots of events coming up this month so don't forget to check out the calendar regularly! Have fun Redshirts!



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The Elder Scrolls Online guild. Skyrim Redshirts welcomes all players on the PC EU server for social fun, trading, competitions, prizes, dungeons, PvE, PvP, trials, builds, furnishings, master crafting and more. Join Today

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