Hello everyone NEW LOGO I am moving away from the SRS Games idea for lots of reasons, the main one being that not many of us, including me, play other MMOs together. STO is dead at the moment and not really showing signs of life any time soon. ESO is the only MMO I play now, the other games areas on the Discord is pretty much dead, I'm going to leave them there but to reflect the 99% of people in our Discord and our gaming community I've renamed SRS Games to Skyrim Red Shirts. After much messing about I've come up with this logo that I like. It obviously incorporates SRS in the logo, it has the Ebonheart Pact Dragon and the name Ebonheart Pact at the top.
Now we are a forgiving guild and are very happy to have members of other alliances join us in our struggles around Tamriel, but remember, should you not be Ebonheart Pact and you decide to venture back into Cyrodiil to take part in the three banners war you are likely to come up against your guild mates and we don't take prisoners! So the Discord, Youtube and Facebook have been updated accordingly.
Hope you all like it, it took many hours (minutes) slaving away with my pencils (typing a prompt into Dalle 3) to come up with this hehe. Maybe I'll get some T-Shirts made, I think it would look awesome on a top or fleece. Let me know if you are interested in clothing.
This week we have been in Windhelm once again, but it will be the last time, I'm going to move to a cheaper trader, probably in Ebonheart, as the sales are the same and the cost is halved. With our special member scanning the store for TTC every 5 minutes you will likely see better sales selling through us than any other trading guild.
Paladin Rank

paladin. noun. pal·a·din ˈpal-əd-ən. : a person who fights for a cause as a knight fought for a king in the Middle Ages Our NEW Paladin rank has been introduced. This is for supporters of the guild. Paladins have greater permissions than other members and are less likely to get kicked for being absent. See the benefits list below. To become a Paladin, donate at least 1 million gold in one payment to the guild bank. Note that this is a one-off payment; we don't expect this every year, although if you wish to donate again in the future, that would be very helpful. Paladin Benefits
Absent time before kicking rises from 1 month to 13 months so as long as you login once a year you will remain in the guild. A warning will be sent out to you via Discord if you have not been in the game for a year and at 13 months if there has been no reply you will be removed.
Discord name is in Gold to show that you are a supporter
You have a few more permissions than other ranks in the guild
People can see you are a Paladin and are supporting the guild and thereby other players in the guild
Mention on the website (will be implemented soon)
Deep respect and gratitude from all of us
So far this has raised 13 million gold for the guild, that's 2 weeks of traders, let's keep it up!

ZOS GUILD SUMMIT I found this really useful, it was interesting to chat with other guild leaders and the ZOS devs. Here are some of the changes that are coming to the guild system and when they are likely to happen. Things being worked on right now
Tools to make the guilds work better
Guild Finder, improved search
Better ways to directly communicate with guild members (private chat channels) Better MOTD system
Better guild-wide emailing system
Event tools such as raffles and Scavenger hunts
Later, they will look at:
Guild banks and permissions based off ranks
Player notes
Guild Halls, this is a little harder but there should be some things to improve
Guild progression ideas including guild based achievements.
There is a possibility of a meetup in London at Bethesda UK. Neil Gorton is the Senior UK Community Manager at Bethesda UK who held the UK guilds get together on the Guild Summit Discord yesterday afternoon, he is keen for this meetup to go ahead, so that could be a great time for some of us guys to meet up too. Neil is also a member of our Discord and will be lurking around seeing what sort of things we get up to. Raffle
The prize this week is 490,000 gold and the winning number was 47 won by Ahrvanas, gratz!
The Skyrim Red Shirts Ballad
Thanks to Teach for sorting out this song, I edited in some screenshots and added subtitles to a fun little ditty about our guild, the words don't always make perfect sense but not bad for AI, enjoy:
The Week Ahead
