I have added a reporting tool for SRS GP (Game Points). As GP rewards a lot of gold each month and we now have many people playing events which is awesome, we need to be very accurate about reporting the events we run. So in future, please use the form on the website to report events you've run. One of your team must fill this in in order to gain the correct points. You will find it under the Events Menu as shown here:
Please use this form to submit events for inclusion in the SRS Game Points System. You can report multiple dungeons as long as the team makeup is the same. If the team changes please submit another form for that team. If you have too many to list here submit further forms. Please note it can take up to 24 hours for points to be added.
here is a direct link to the reporting tool page: https://www.skyrimredshirts.co.uk/event-reporting-tool
Many thanks for your cooperation, let's carry on earning GP and winning great rewards.
Note, other events may be added to the form if needed in the future.
Live Long and Prosper Matt