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SRS End of Year Blog

Our Trader for this week is in Rawl'kha
Our Trader for this week is in Rawl'kha

Hey everyone, Happy New year to you all. This has been a huge year for Skyrim Red Shirts. We have seen our membership rise from 70 members to the max of 500, we are currently at 447 with nobody inactive more than a month. This year saw the introduction of the Guild Points system, a way to earn prizes just by taking part in our events. There will be some changes for next year but these are minor and listed below. For those who want to log their events I have put together an explanatory video showing how to do it, excuse my voice, I am full of cold and bronchitis right now.

Welcome to all the new people It's been absolutely fantastic meeting so many wonderful new people, we now have a super crew of dedicated members who are regularly on Discord chatting and having fun together. Some of you guys are insanely talented at builds, pvp, and just maximising your points. Some of you are incredible home builders and I'm pulling out two people here to go look at their houses. These are Teachersleight, and Mystrasis. I also want to thank Munchy for providing all the mundus stones in his house for us to use, the link is in the MOTD. The Guild Village

This was a big project, not least for my target of having all the master crafting stations installed and filled with every craftable set by the end of the year. This has been done and if you ever need to craft any gear or do master crafting writs you can do it all at the guild village. The video tour above is a bit out of date, I will do a new one, but why not just visit yourself, checkout the new Duelling arena whilst you are there. To visit just click the link in the MOTD. Trials

We have run every single trial in the game now multiple times and people are starting to learn the mechanics. We have even run some of them on Veteran. The trickiest was normal Cloudrest +3

For 2025 expect to see a lot more veteran trials and this will of course have some requirements with it, but for newcomers we will be running normal trials also.

Guild Points Recently I added SRS Endeavours to the Guild Points, this allows you to earn an additional 100 points per day just by logging those events. Changes for 2025 The main change for 2025 is the reduction of the GP cap from 500 to 300 points per day. This is being done to give those who don't spend all their days playing the game a chance to compete for prizes. I was also a little concerned about event burnout, some people really went to the limits day after day just to win, which is great but not always a good approach for their long term health. Updated Prizes For 2025 the following prize structure will be added

Monthly 1st place - 2  million Gold

2nd place - 1 million Gold

3rd place - 500,000 Gold

4th place - 250,000 Gold

5th place - 125,000 Gold

6th to 10th 20K gold each Yearly (in addition to December's monthly prizes) 1st place - 10  million Gold

2nd place - 5 million Gold

3rd place - 2.5 million Gold

4th place - 1.25 million Gold

5th place - 500,000 Gold

6th to 10th 100K gold each For this year (2024) the yearly prizes are 1st Place - 2 million gold 2nd Place - 1 million gold 3rd Place - 500K gold 4th Place - 250K gold 5th Place - 125K gold Remember if you are removed from the guild for inactivity all your progress is lost and if you rejoin you have to start again. Other changes for 2025 1. If you are away for more than a month, please let us know or you will be removed from the guild for inactivity. 2. OFFICERS - Demoted after 2 weeks if inactive (unless you let us know in advance) NOTE: We have had some people removed from the guild as they were shown as inactive for more than a month, turns out they had set their status to offline for that entire time by accident. Please check your status is set to ONLINE or you could lose everything. RAFFLE These traders and prizes are very expensive of course, and whilst we don't ask for fees we would like to ask for donations to the cause. Some people have already been very generous, but if each of you just bought a raffle ticket each week it would help enormously, 500 people spending 20K a week on raffle ticket rasies 5 million a week towards the trader and 5 million raffle prize. Any other donations is very helpful. Trader This week and pictured above, we have annoyed a big trading guild by outbidding them in Rawl'kha, this is an amazing spot, so please make sure your slots are full and sell as much as you can. Wishing you all a super 2025 Matt



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Unknown member
Dec 31, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

As a new player who joined 1monthish ago you guys have been amazingly friendly and fun and i hope to have more fun times with you guys in the next year!

Unknown member
Dec 31, 2024
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Thanks mate, glad you are enjoying it.


The Elder Scrolls Online guild. Skyrim Redshirts welcomes all players on the PC EU server for social fun, trading, competitions, prizes, dungeons, PvE, PvP, trials, builds, furnishings, master crafting and more. Join Today

© 2025 Skyrim Red Shirts. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved. Some footage and images are  © Zenimax Media Inc. Media is used in a not for profit fan based site encouraging new members for TESO.

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