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October 22nd News Update

Successful Sunspire

Hey everyone, here is the news. Top traders last week were:

Weekly Income: Trader 472K Raffle 265K Donations: 10K Total: 747K - Thanks for all your support Raffle Winner Wheayyz with number 32 winning 265K


This week we have a trader in Cold Harbour in Hollow City, right next to the wayshrine. To be honest I am surprised we got this as this is a premium location, so let's make the most of it guys.

Monday Mount Race This was a wide loop of Northern Elsweyr and was won by Archmage Summoner (Alex), with Irwin 2nd and Creamhole 3rd, well done guys! Guild Points Live Table

Some small changes here, as it was the table didn't show who was previously leading the Guild Points system. This information could be found elsewhere but I thought it would be nice if everyone could see who had achieved what for the previous month. The table has not been updated yet with all the associate adventurers, this will be done at the start of November. In addition The live table now correctly lists the current rank and the potential rank for each adventurer.

Stop Dav Am Al Competition 6 correct entries so far. I must say I am very surprised how few people have entered this, or maybe more did and couldn't figure it out, but it's really not that hard. See the linked post here for full details, ends Novemebr 5th. With 3 prizes of 1 Million Gold, it's well worth the small effort involved. Updated Rank Structure: The New Recruit rank has been removed. Instead everyone will be regulars. There is no change to permissions. A new rank of Trader has been added. This allows Guild Bank access and reading member notes. To qualify you need to sell 500K or more in the last 30 days. This is great for those who are not interested in events but take an active role in trading. Adventurers and above already have bank access, so traders and adventurers have the same privileges.

Admin Role There are no people in Admin positions yet, I have a few people in mind and will contact them when ready.

Updated Rules

As we have become a large guild fairly fast, it's time to sort out those pesky rules and guidelines. Most of these are just plain common sense and I doubt anyone will fall foul of them, but they may be worth a read just in case you are unsure about anything. This ranges from behaviour to PvP, Trading and Bank access and so on. See the updated rules here Trials

We had a very successful Sunspire trial last Sunday and it's clear everyone is really improving, well done. To test that we are running Cloudrest +3 normal this Wednesday, if you guys can handle that ok you're ready for vet! Don't forget to sign up on the Discord channel. Wishing you all a fantastic week. Matt



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The Elder Scrolls Online guild. Skyrim Redshirts welcomes all players on the PC EU server for social fun, trading, competitions, prizes, dungeons, PvE, PvP, trials, builds, furnishings, master crafting and more. Join Today

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