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A new way to earn Guild Points

A build submitted by Irwin

Hey folks, we have a new and exciting way to earn guild points. By submitting guides and builds and other things you can earn an extra 500 Guild Points (GP) per week. If you've got a build you are proud of, why not share it with our community? By doing so you can earn 500 GP. A build can only be sent once per week. Same with guides or anything else, if you have something you think would be useful for everyone to know then send it in to us. See the following pages for details: Members Build Page Guide Page A few points to note

  • GP earned is added directly to your yearly GP not your monthly GP, monthly is exclusively for events we run. This can help boost your yearly GP to help towards end-of-year prizes.

  • Whatever you send it can only earn a maximum of 500 GP per week

  • Depending on the length of the work it may be awarded less than 500 GP, the amount awarded will be decided on by us and is non-negotiable although we may make suggestions that can help you to improve your submission to gain the maximum points.

  • Your builds and guides need to be up to a standard of presentation good enough to be published online, don't forget images and links as well as thoroughly spell and grammar checked.

  • All builds and guides should be in English.

  • GP is awarded only when the submission appears on the website.

  • Submission formats are Word, PDF, Image files, XLS

  • Members should note that whilst guides are checked for accuracy builds are not. The build may be poor, average or META, this is for you to decide and if you choose to copy a build and it doesn't work that is your risk. We would suggest you discuss the build first with the author before spending gold, transmutes and other currency.

Other things you can send in

  • You may also send your Addons to us

  • Spreadsheets that calculate stuff (a copy will be made to share, your original will not be published so it will be safe)

  • Original Artwork (Not AI generated)

  • Original Music (Not AI generated)


In all the above submissions by submitting your work to us (Skyrim Red Shirts) you grant an exclusive licence for us to publish your work online on our website. You will be credited and the copyright will remain with you, but if your work turns up elsewhere because someone copied it from us there is nothing we can do about this, any action you take will be in your hands and we (Skyrim Red Shirts) will not be involved in any legal disputes. You may request that your work is taken down at any time.

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